
July 18, 2010

A page from Danny Gregory's journal

Like other artists who keep a visual journal or sketchbook, I am a fan of Danny Gregory and have long admired his work, his attitude, and his generosity of spirit. Many know him as the inspiration and leader of the sketching group Everyday Matters, named after his first book. I first became acquainted with him through Moonlight Chronicles, and Everyday Matters (the book and the group), along with Creative License, renewed my artistic energy as much as anything else. It was with harsh and icy sadness that I read about the sudden accidental death of his wife Patti last April, who I felt I had come to know personally through Danny's sketchbooks and writings. What I read today in his sketchbook journal/blog is so clear to me. I know what he is going through, although each person's grief is unique and personal. When my young and new husband died suddenly 30 some years ago, I experienced what he is feeling now and so I feel so sad along with him. That he is willing to move on through the art and writing that his fans have come to value so much and express the rawness of his emotions through his drawings and words adds to my appreciation of him. I'm glad he's pursuing the course of grief through these outlets; it will help him heal.

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