
August 19, 2011

Always a new start.

 Photo from yo+ichiro at

In another life, the one I just left, I would be spending this week in the classroom, juggling the emotions of hope and confidence with a nagging resentment that I was missing a warm sunny August day. My lifelong pal Claudia told me many years ago that, despite the strikes against choosing teaching as a profession, there was the new beginning every year. Even a bad year has an ending, and a teacher can annually start fresh. A luxury most other professions can't boast. I'm wishing all of my friends and teaching colleagues a good year as I move on to something else. I am thinking about you all in the classroom as I enjoy the warm summer days.


Laurel said...

Diane my friend!

I've just given you a little blog award, spread the blog love!~


dianemoline said...

Ooo thank you friend backatcha!

dianemoline said...

I will be looking for my 5. And signed up to be a follower of yours. I'm enjoying reading it and empathize with the classroom issues. Yes, ma'am.

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