I have a few more of our friendly waitresses from on the road...missing a few details (Allyson, Tamarack Restaurant, Green River, UT) but good enough to post before I get too far behind.
And faces along the way. I will keep updating my progress.
It took days to ready for trip, pack, and prepare for house and cat-sitting but we are on our way to the sunny Southwest. Took several days for planning and packing art stuff, two hours for packing clothes...On the other hand, packing for the warm southwest is easy-peasy, though we are missing our warm sweater today in Idaho and Utah.
I invite you to stay with me and hubby on the road. We said our good-bye to Ziggy and Rose. Zig will not miss us much, but Rose might. A couple of hours anyway. They like Joan who likes them back. Food. Water. Sleep. Repeat.
I am making progress on the MegaZine that I told you about here. My ready date is mid-May. I'd love it if you'd look at the preview I put together and welcome any comments. My plan is to create quarterly issues and sell them on Etsy and on the web site. There will be options for print and digital formats. Lots of details to work out but I am excited about it and over the halfway mark. I'm running this preview now to give a heads-up, then will probably remove it until it gets closer to publish date. Feedback and interest from you is most appreciated; I really mean that. You can comment below or email me separately.
I have added a page on the website to get on the mailing list. The list will be used for letting you know the magazine is ready and a discount code if you order. If I get a newsletter out before then, I will also send you that if you are on the mailing list. Otherwise, that mailing list stays safely tucked in the studio, under the cat on the red chair.
Here's the video. Or you can watch it on YouTube here. Thanks for watching!
I was totally enchanted by this installation in Vancouver I mentioned in the last post. It's called A-Maze-ing Laughter and I defy you not to giggle, even at the photos, but especially at the site.