On my awfullest attention-deficit-like days, I find my focus gone and flit from one thing to another. Today was one of those days. As I started to sort through the piles upon piles of studio STUFF (last minute packing grabs, bits and pieces of memories from trip, you know, you know, you know..), to start the clean-up process, I came across something that inspired me to look at one of my older journals.
So I filled some pages.
These was made from a bad photo of long daffodil leaves that I manipulated and then worked the background with paints and crayons.
Most of my journals are unfinished (if "finished" is ever an option anyway), and I add to them as I find pictures, or draw things, or glue the papers in my life. Then I searched out some photos from early 2010 I hadn't done anything with, and then I played with those with apps and Photoshop
Amazingly, I fended up with five more pages. Didn't get much cleaned up, though.
In the interest of variety and because I get bored with the same thing easily, my journals run the gamet in size, structure, handmady-ness, bindings, and paper. This particular 2010journal is out of order, inconsistent in paper quality and size, and needs firmer binding; but it's coming together and, like all of my visual journals, 35 and counting, it gave me a kick to browse through it and remember days. Cliché alert: Seems like yesterday.
No animal was harmed in the taking of this picture. Maybe embarrassed. Rosie was Plimply-ed here.
I goofed up at the bottom in my spacing, but I don't mind.
And, yes, I do keep track of these crimes. When I can. It's a full-time job.